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Which one would you rather have? Monopoly? or Italian...things?


My kids and I loved driving by that sign. We decided it was about their fry chef, Joey Baddaduco, who the other employees affectionately called "the Italian," and how he's back to work after a 3 year sentence (reduced to 18 months) for tax evasion. Ah yes, the Italian is back! Life is good.

This, of course, is a completely fabricated story. I love my kids.

I've never played of game of monopoly that didn't end in hatred and spite for the other players. I'll vote Italian

Italian- art, wine, footwear, gladiators.
Monopoly-railroads, scottie dog, lots of versions with licensed characters (we have Pokemon,) jail.
Hard choice....maybe Taco John's could get the apple grande back.

Hmmm... this bears a striking resemblance to the quality of our "choice" in this (or any) presidential election.

You know, some of the letters on the Burger King sign are blue, and some are black. Maybe its a code. I ran the anagram program on them:

Cilia Ski
Ilia Sick
Ail Sick I
A Lick I Is
A Sic I Ilk

Nab At
Ban At
Tab An
Bat An

need to think on this some more...

Chris M - You have Pokemon Monopoly?!? You'll have to have August over sometime to play. We have Star Wars Monopoly (mine pre-August) and Dogopoly. Oh- and the kids version of Monopoly.

I also have ravioli in my freezer. And I love cannolis. I do not think either are on the Burger King menu.

I guess I'm voting for Monopoly.

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