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The Mayor's lawn looks like $#!+


Have you seen Superior Mayor David Ross's (Ross'?) lawn lately?! I have, and Wholly Key-riced in Heaven, it looks like complete freaking $#!+. I realize its been a hot dry summer but come on now. The Right 'Honorable' Mayor's lawn is completely crummy-looking: dead, dry, and brown. That lazy bastard doesn't even have to get off his skinny little ass to mow it - he has a riding lawn mower! I could do better with an amputated arm and fukkin SICKLE (or scythe, whatever) for crying out loud. He's got his blades set WAY too low, and the sun just burns the grass on his south-facing hillslope. If he set his blades any frickin' lower, he'd be polishing his lawn, not mowing it. How can he be expected to govern a major metropolitan Tour de Force like Superior, when he can't even mow his own gahddamm lawn properly?! Heaven forbid, if a grassfire started on his property and he could no longer be Mayor, who would take his place? Huh?! It sure as hell ain't gonna be me! (unless someone asks nicely) Voters, I leave it for you to decide.


Oh no! He didn't mow his lawn! That's, why, that's treasonous! It's time for him to be impeached! Recall!

Oh wait, this *isn't* the Duluth Citizen's Blog.

The post & embedded links made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants,but I'll hold the peeing 'till I get to Mayor Ross' lawn.

hell we haven't mowed our lawn in about a month and it looks better than any of the other lawns on the block, still kind of green

I'm not cutting the lawn until we get several days of rain. Plus I like my budding clover.

yay clover. I'm on a multi year quest to replace all the grass in my lawn with clover. Each Spring (starting with this one) I rake the lawn hard and spread clover seed. My goal is to have a lawn that does not need to be mowed. Guess I could pave it over and paint it green, but that's not so soft. In fact, if anyone knows where I can get a lot of river rock I'd appriciate a recomendation

i'm on track with my "urban prarie restoration project" this summer...started, anyhow...i want lots of tall natural grasses and wildflowers along with a few prickery stickery bush things to act as natural barriers in lieu of actual fencing to keep those pesky destructive neighborhood twerps from tearing up my yard and messing with my stuff...I don't want to elminate mowable space, just reduce it a bit...particularly the sloping parts of the yard...

BFD! It's grass! You have nothing better to do?

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