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Da house is on fire!

House on fire.jpg

And the 911 dispatcher was more concerned with the fact that my cell phone was breaking up.

I awoke this morning to find I was out of coffee, which in it self is an emergency situation. It's pissing down rain, but I MUST have coffee. My body is also telling me I need food, so I begin my drive down to The Sunshine Cafe
As I'm yielding at the corner of 26th Ave. W. and first, I gaze to the left and witness the front porch of a house completely in flames. There is absolutely no one about. No tenants standing outside crying about the loss of their home, no neighbors gawking for entertainment -- nobody. Except for me, in my car, manically honking the horn. I call 911 from my cell phone, get out of my car to get a better assessment of what’s happening; it’s still pissing down rain.

As I’m trying to tell the dispatcher that there is a fire at 26th Ave. W and first, she keeps repeating, in an irritated tone, “I can’t hear you from that phone….I can’t hear you.” I get back in my car and begin screaming at her “FIRE! 26TH W AND FIRST! ..."FIRE!” Shortly thereafter the fire trucks arrive.

By the way, today’s breakfast specials at The Sunshine Café are the mushroom omelet or the Swedish pancakes. I highly recommend the mushroom omelet.


I hope the owners of the house at least bought you breakfast!

I don't think they were home. When the fire trucks arrived, I left. My need for coffee trumped concern for the owners of the burning house. Guess I'll find out what the burning is like in Hell.

I bet there's no coffee in Hell.

This reminds me of the time I was at the Sunshine and there was an older woman there who didn't have anywhere else to go. She'd been evacuated from her house a few blocks away by the SWAT team. Her neighbor was holding somebody hostage inside.

When I saw the first sentance, I thought you were going to say your house was one fire!
I'm glad that it wasn't your house, and I'm sure the owners of the house are double-glad that you did your good deed for the day. :)
You definately deserved a coffee!

heh...tamara and I were there yesterday, too...she had the sunshine breakfast and I had the ham and cheese omelette.

Incidentally, the link in your post, purple, is from tribe.net, posted on a tribe i moderate...wierd...

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