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i can't believe i watched the whole thing

battlefield earth.jpg

apparently, in the future, gold bars will be the currency of the universe.


Thank you, L Ron, for this movie. *shudder*

Anyone notice how L Ron sounds suspciously like Enron?

And in the future, will we be storing our currency in OUR PANTS?!?!

Check out the members. Sweet lord.

"Crap-lousy ceiling! I thought I told to get some man-animals in here and fix it."

are they from a penile colony?

Haven't seen the movie, the book (which must be 20 years old or so by now) was ok IIRC, a grade B Sci Fic thing. Some of his other stuff was just down right slapstick nearly, thinking of the Mission Earth series (different than Battlefield Earth). He was a prolific SOB something like 250 publications. I suggest skimming the wikipedia on him sometime, truely odd.

Oddly, it was that book that made me start paying attention to people's shoes, which I think can tell a lot about the person wearing them.

a codpiece! a codpiece! my kingdom for a codpiece!

i think we've found the new pizza luce uniforms.

Wasn't that just the *worst* movie in the entire world?!?! ARGH! Scientologists fuck up everything!

What are you saying? I feel it's completely legimate that cavemen with no concept of flight can master the Harrier jet after a few days in the simulator.

why, i do believe Travolta is wearing a support girdle...

and check out those furry hands...ya know what they say about men with furry hands...

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