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Dear lead-footed friends,


I have taken an interest in how I can get better gas mileage from my vehicle. Here are the Federal Trade Commission's tips. They're about the same as what I've read elsewhere. I would point out a couple specifics, such as "stop aggressive driving" and "stay within posted speed limits."
I have taken some of this advice to heart, and have found that doing so has really punctuated the aggressive driving that surrounds me. If I drive a bit slower and coast up to red lights, people are gunning around me. Now think about that, dear drivers. Why accelerate up to a red light? You know you'll have to stop. You're going to burn up all your gas. Can you really afford to buy more?
And to the person who honked at me today: I did not "cut you off." You were tearing down a winding road with a posted limit of 30 mph. You were around the corner, and the road was clear when I pulled out. Suddenly, there you were, honking at me, going, like 60. You need to slow down, my friend. Slow down.


this may be of interest
the al unser family uses it

From one who loves to drive, and loves to get where I'm going, and is paying attention to the road and my surroundings: why don't you just get out and walk?

Hey, don't take it personally. Some of us have different priorities than you, and my 16-year old car gets better mileage than most new cars today.


Oh another pet peeve of mine. What really gets me is when people will pass by you on the left, in a parking lot, while you wait for someone backing up, only to pull into the spot next to the person backing up in the first place. Is it really THAT important you be an ass in the parking lot to get your spot? People have lost the ability to sit still for 10 seconds I think.
What it really comes down to is that the general public or maybe it's the minority; regardless... the general public is very VERY impatient and very VERY discourteous. I don’t care if you want to go 60 down arrowhead but don’t be an ass to me going the speed limit. That’s all I ask.

Wait a minute - save your $$$! Sorry, Ethos doesn't work any better than any of the other snake oil remedies out there (and there are plenty) but they sure make their product look convincing, don't they? I'd leave a link, but all you have to do is do a simple 'does ethos really work?' google search. Beverly and Karasu are correct. Also, commuting via bicycle, motorcycle or scooter are good ideas as well. Me? My daily vehicle is a gutless 1992 Toyota that gets 35 mpg. I didn't buy it for it's looks. I also have a Landcruiser that's been parked since spring. I'm planning to buy a Vespa scooter (hopefully!) soon.

try riding a motorcycle around these jackholes. i almost got taken out sunday on woodland.

When I first read this post last night I immediately got warm under the collar. After taking a minute to breath, I decided not to post my rage-filled comment.

However, I have to admit, the anticipation of reading what was to come has been exciting. (I am aware of how sad that is)

I do have to agree with Karasu. People have different priorities and obligations to fulfill every day. "Each to his own" is wonderful - GOD bless the USA.

The problem begins when your decisions and choices interfere with others. Just because YOU choose to drive a certain way in an attempt to save a buck and/or minute does not mean that I want to wait behind you while you do.

LORD knows I do not.


When you write, "The problem begins when your decisions and choices interfere with others. Just because YOU choose to drive a certain way in an attempt to save a buck and/or minute does not mean that I want to wait behind you while you do." ...

... what if the decisions and choices people make are to obey the speed limit? Are you one of those people who tailgate someone going 45 mph in a 45 mph zone? There's a chance I may push speed limit boundaries now and then if I'm alone on a stretch of highway, but if I'm behind someone who is going the speed limit, I don't complain or try to get around them.

Beverly's post suggests driving at the speed limit - NOT driving under it, as you seem to think.

My pet peeve about driving: People who don't think traffic laws apply to them.

Just because I choose to obey the law and the posted speed limits, not so much because they are the LAW or because it saves fuel but more because it's much more safe, I beg to differ with anyone who things it's a good idea to go 55+ on Arrowhead. Ya know what- there's no sense in arguing with someone who just doesn't care- to each his own. You know what else, no matter how you drive, you are affecting others. If I drive the posted limit and you have to go slow- so sorry, but if you drive +15 you are also interfering with others. Especially if you cream into someone like almost happened to me today. On my bike, on London road, someone thought the lives of two chipmunks was worth the lives of me on my bike and the 2 cars behind the first car. If car 2 had been going another 5 mph it would have been very bad (Thanks for not swerving into me car #2!, Car #1- WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?)...

WOW. Easy tiger(s)

I'm not suggesting anybody drive outside of or "above" the law.

I'm simply saying if you're going to drive below the speed limits or take 20 minutes to get up to speed that maybe staying off the highways and enjoying some of Duluths side roads are the better, safer option.

Minus the pot-holes.

P.S. keep away from Lake Ave/35W ramps if you want to get on 35W southbound. They decided lunchtime would be the perfect time to start painting street lines for the 32nd Annual Grandmas Marathon/Canal Park Makeover Party.

Bah. Nothing makes me smile more than going down the two lane chunk of Arrowhead at 35mph. Then, as soon as some jack-hole decides to park on my ass, I immediately slow down to 25. Gotta make make sure I give them something to be pissed off about.

Driving the speed limit is fine, and even coasting to red lights is okay, because there really is no point in speeding to a stop. But the worst Duluth driving I have ever known is in the Downtown and Canal Park areas.

Any season, any time of day, I typically find myself stuck behind someone who idles down Superior street. My real favourite is all the wonderful people who like to come to complete stops in the middle of the road for no reason whatsoever. This happens at least once a week. Most of them don't realise that people actually live on park point and that they might want to get home before Christmas.

I totally agree about the agressive driving/wasting gas bit, but do have a few addendums...
I give everyone the right to drive the posted speed limit, even if others are zipping past them, provided that they are doing it in the right lane. If you are driving slower than moving traffic (even if you are going the speed limit) and you are in the left lane, you are no longer "right", you are a traffic hazzard!
If someone speeds past me in the left lane, I make make judgements about their speed, but I don't know if they're late for work, have a kid in the car bleeding from a cut, rushing to the aid of an elderly parent, etc. etc. etc.
Remember, it is not our job to ensure that others go the proper speed limit. Normal drivers are not law enforcement, and pretending to be one by forcing others to slow down just results in road rage/unsafe driving conditions.
I'd rather have someone zip past me in the left lane at 10 mph over the limit and get pulled over, then try to "force" them to slow down, have them aggressivly swing into the right lane to pass me, and take out some poor kid on their bike.

So basically: tree huggers should use the right lane. :)

I agree with Bad Cat!

Everytime someone drives all crazy by me I just say ... Oh sad, they must be having a stroke. Sigh, it makes me feel better.

What riles me is when I'm a pedestrian waiting to cross the street, and some kind old duffer will stop where there is no stop sign and happily wave for me to cross, not realizing that someone from the angry line of cars behind him will surely decide to pass him (on the right or left, neither of which is a lane) accelerating maniacally to make a point, and run me over.

We always end up having a weird standoff where I refuse to cross, and he waves more, and I shake my head, and ... it just goes on.

Barrett, that's funny. I get the same thing on my bike when trying to make lefts. Honestly people, I'm a big boy, I can go left all on my own, you really don't need to help me.

These days, I don't mind so much when people aggressively blast by me. I know I could put them in their place if I had to, but with today's high gas prices, they're punishing themselves. The moral high ground belongs to the thrifty.

ever hear of hypermiling?


the video is a little light on details, so here is more info...


I hope you use your new found wealth from saving all that gas money to help build the Vikes a new stadium.

I think everyone should have to take a defensive driving class once in their lifetime, just to see how pointless (and dangerous) all that boneheaded aggression is. All that impatience and fretting over a "slow" driver that'll make you get to your destination, what--thirty seconds later? Whoop-de-doo. It's so myopic. A little patience and graciousness goes a hell of a long way.

Lately the one I have been finding really amusing is on London Road between about 36th and 26th headed towards downtown. They put in the new turn lane now for about a half mile where you used to be able to just pass people. I usually drive about 40 along there which is the speed limit. Yet I will often have someone right on my rear end. And I ALWAYS slow down a little for a few seconds if they do just to get them to back off for MY OWN safety and that of the kids who are usually in the back seat. The most amusing part is when they pass me in a big show of muscle and indignation only to find that we wind up sitting next to each other at the stoplights on 26th. I pull up right next even if they might get squeamish about making eye contact. I am fine with them feeling a little uncomfortable for being rash, but I never intentionally rub it in or anything. that would be reverse road rage and I don't think that is ok, either. Gentle is best, I think.

Anyway, this is all penance for my earlier days of driving like a jack hole in a hurry to get no where in particular for about the first 15 years of my driving career. That's right, I used to be one of "those" people and I understand them pretty well. Hopefully (like me) they will live long enough to mellow out a little bit, and not kill anyone else on the road along the way.

Like any virtue, thrift can become a vice if taken too far. At least the Wiki entry tells you that certain "advanced techniques" described for hypermiling "may compromise safety."

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