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Rainy Day Woman + 24/7 + Automat

Mary Jane Girl.jpg

"Pot vending machines take root in Los Angeles"


I like the part where the guy who takes it for "anger management issues" says: You have kids that want to get high and that's not what marijuana is for. It's to medicate."


Could you add munchies to the vending machine too? That would be ideal... and water. Yeah.

I think I have anger management issues too. I mean, I'm out of control man!

Wow, this is pretty trump. Japan might have to surrender it's title as vending machine champion if this thing ever becomes id-less.

(No id needed to buy booze and cigs from the machines in Japan)

A marijuana vending machine just seems like a good place to get robbed.

they should dispense tasers and pepper spray with bags.

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