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That Sneaky Son of a Bitch



Greg Gilbert's web site is Gilbertformayor.com and his email is [email protected]

uh. mah. godt.



Gremmels Running for Mayor
By Kim Johnson

He has no experience in politics but has dabbled in a variety of areas. Todd Gremmels is running for mayor of Duluth and he's no run-of-the-mill politician.

Gremmels spends his time, teaching CPR, making kit cars, playing piano and working as a counselor for trouble youth.

But now he wants to try his hand at politics.

"I'm mainly doing it because I'm pretty upset by the way the city's run," said Gremmels.

For one, he thinks money needs to be invested in the city's infrastructure like water, gas, sewer and streets.

Plus, the former ski-shop owner says city subsidies should go to small businesses and not large corporations.

"I would rather subsidize smaller business," said Gremmels. "I would rather subsidize our community."

Gremmels knows the odds of getting elected are stacked against him.

"It's kind of a snowball's chance in hell," he said.

But he hopes to get his voice heard while trying.

And if he does get elected--he just might be the only mayor who's skiied at record-breaking speeds--104.35 mph.

Does anyone know how to contact Todd (besides his e-mail)? If you could help me out, that'd be much appreciated.


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