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Stay in Duluth, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please!!!?!


Come on, people. Here is an idea: it's schlocky boosterism like this that makes individuals not feel bad about leaving. You make us all look like rubes. Making fun of Blaine and traffic and your parents coming to visit?? Well, shit--maybe I should reconsider and just stay in Duluth, then. I have a couple ideas where the Northland's Changing Workforce could start. I'm not asking for just-like-downtown, but, err... credibility and more pro-here and less anti-there would seem to me to be a direction worth looking at. (I do like the washed out color effect, though.)


I've had discussions about turning duluth into a game (old skool, video and computer) mecca with many people. Next step aligning the game summit that was at UMD with homegrown (Both are the same week) NorthByNorthCoast!

You have to get permission from the Soft Center first, right?

If you move to the city, gay guys will suck your dick!

well, it aint gonna lick it's self.

Are there jobs up there now? When did this change?

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