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Bright Lights, Big City?

Uh, did anyone else notice a fairly massive police presence at Portland Square Park last night around 3:00 a.m.? What I thought was heat lightning turned out to be cruisers prowling 4th and 5th Streets with their searchlights on, presumably looking for Person or Persons Unknown...


get a life.

Wow. That was an unexpectedly hostile response to an innocent question. Nice.

Don't let the turkeys get you down.

The US Attorney's office specifically said the day the inditements were announced that the defendants still at large are believed to have all left Minnesota. So I doubt the police presence around Portland Square had anything to do with that.

It has been rumored that US Attorney offices have been known to lie.

i would just like to point out that, from my observation, a "massive police presence" in Duluth can mean anything from a common DUI, a fender-bender with college kids involved, and ... just about anything else. they coulda been looking for a "suspicious character".

First Hand: "we are sweeping all of the bars downtown."


correction: the U.S. Attorney General has been known to lie.

As far as police pressence goes re: our neighborhoods - bigger is better!

tru dat baci...but there's also no substitute for getting to know your neighbors.

on that note, re: National Night Out is comin' up on the 7th. So, get out there and get to know the people in yer hood, dawg!

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