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There's children throwing snowballs, instead of throwing heads


Dress up as your favorite character and join A Whisper in the Noise and the Eclectic Cafe in celebrating their move to a new, larger space. Over the past 9 years, on less than less of a shoestring budget, the Eclectic Cafe has hosted performances by many a regional band and singer/songwriter; such as Charlie Parr, Lonesome Dan Case, Sight Like December, Devil's Flying Machine, Angie Stevens, Vicious Aloysius, Some People's Kids, Seth Doud, Steve Kaul & the Brass Kings, 30 Watt Bulb, Kid Dakota, Mary Bue and many more. You don't have to dress up, just come & celebrate! 717 Laurel St., Brainerd. AWITN starts about 9'ish.


By the way, I have room for two more people if anyone needs a FREE ride to the show. I'll be leaving on Saturday at about 11 am, sleeping over (there will be plenty of room - bring a sleeping bag), then leaving Sunday morning at about 11 am (or earlier) and should be back in Duluth by 2 pm (or earlier). If anyone needs a ride, let me know! All you have to do is get your potentially hungover butt in my car on Sunday. And for god's sake, if you have to spew, tell me to pull over!

And sorry... I meant to write 40 Watt Bulb.

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