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i hate the french!

Confession #4930 - 09/26/2005 - 05:33 PM

My dad and I were in France. We had rented a car and were driving around Normandy, etc. I was about 25, I think. Anyway, travel always messes with my bowels and I had the trots pretty bad. We got to Rouen and couldn't find the hotel. I had to crap and farted a couple of times. We finally found the hotel, but the room was not ready. My problem seemed to pass, so we drove to the center of town and walked around the cathedral area, etc., where Joan of Arc was executed. I noticed these three college-age girls following us around, but I didn't think anything of it. When we finally got to the hotel and I got in the bathroom, I pulled down my pants and learned that one of my earlier farts had blasted liquid crap through my underwear and jeans. There was a perfect brown circle right where my crack was. The college girls were following me because they were making fun of me. I hate the French!

you can find more hilarious scat & piss-pants stories here.


I dated a very conceited frnch man while I lived in Scotland. He was from Paris and insisted I refer to him as "Parisian" rather than French. I have a funny story about him, but it's too dirty to post.

thanks for sharing c-freak. One time....wait for it....I shat,peed,sneezed, fainted, bumped my head and bled all at the same time....mmmlove intestinal flu

In Great Britain, they call vaginas "fannys." My best-friend in Scotland, who happens to be the parisians cousin, calls those bits of air that occasional happen "fanny farts".

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