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The Surfactants - Humanoid - Batteries Tonight at TPB

Hey all, just a reminder that The Surfactants, Humanoid and Batteries will be rockin' the TPB in Soup Town tonight. It's the first live show for The Surfactants (my band) and it's also our Twin Ports CD release show. The show itself is FREE, so that extra chedder can go to a brand spankin' new hot-off-the-burner hand-cut until-my-fingers-were-raw-and-bleeding copy of our first album.

You can hear it all right now at www.thesurfactants.com. There's a steaming streaming version and a downright downloadable version. Of course, the best quality is on the CD itself.

I don't want to make this out to be a big Surfactants party though. We'll do our little 30 minute set and then leave the rest of the night to the real heros Humanoid and Batteries.

So come on out (10pm SHARP please!), get blasted and buy our new CD. It'll make you at least 3% cooler.

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