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We're havin' a Q...

made by tamara

Ezra, Hazel and I are throwin' a Q. Why? Because we can... and because we have a brand-spankin' new Weber...
so come celebrate the grill (and incidentally, the 4th of July) with us! Bring something to grill and a dish to pass - show up anytime after 2pm - coals will be hot at 3pm. (For our veggie friends, don't worry, a portion of the grill will be reserved for you!) We will provide watermelon, dessert, and a limited amount of beer.

Stay as long as you like, but FYI: you can't see the Duluth fireworks from our front yard. We will, however, provide fireworks of our own, which we will set off about twilight.

Contact us at pyntathotmaildotcom for RSVPing and directions!

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