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Let's put the "weekly" back in "weekly calendar"

You know I like to browse the Transistor as well as the next homosapien or nigh sentient button pusher, but have they totally given up on their web presence? The on-line version hasn't changed since, well, March.


I suspect the good people at the Transistor are looking for "Technical Support."

what is the problem?

It has been getting better and better lately. I think there is actually about the same amount of good content in the reader and the transistor.

Please don't let the transistor stop. I could maybe help. What do they need? distribution? comics? sass? money?

Apparently they need someone to update their website.

I agree, I like the hardprint version. I just wish I could get it on-line as well.

Me too.

I heard that the Transistor looking for intern/ volunteer people to put up fliers and stuff. I don't have time but it would be fun for somebody who was interested in music and whatnot.

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