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Highbridge Opener...








Damn, dirty hippies. Get it straight, Adam.

FYI: Unless it involves carts, clubs, balls and a beer girl, it is not golf. To each their own, but smoking dust in the woods while throwing a Frisbee ≠ sport.

That's ANTIhippie, Adam. I'm too mean to be a hippie. Ask my ex-wife.

In the meantime...Cork, wanna compare greens fees? I'll put my FREE 36 holes on Sunday against your cheapest games any day.

Carts? Clubs? Whassamatta Cork? Ya too damn lazy to carry your own stuff? C'mon...it's only a little walk in the park...

cheers guys!

I heard the sucker course is going private. That totally rules. I guess it will be if you help fix up the course you can play on it.

Does anyone know what I'd need for a zip line?

Where are other places to play fgolf?

in.dog.neato -- Actually, I just suck at sports, so it's easier to ridicule the games people play.

FYI -- I think regular golf is only slightly less stupid than disc golf, and that's only because you get to drive a little car around while drinking. And because where I went to college, there was a disc course that covered the entire campus, and I'd regularly have some drunk 19-year-old from Portland hucking a disc at my head. I hold a grudge.

It ain't golf unless it's mini golf.

Golf sucks.

cork...I kinda figured you were dishing shit...I was just trying to play along.

mevdev...Sucker is going to be closed to the public with the exception of Thursdays when they're open for league play...and this is for league play ONLY. Other than that, it'll be open to members of the Duluth Disc Golf Club (yeah, there is one.)...I can get you member info if ya want.


this is the link to the Lake Superior Disc Golf Club...which is (or was) the Duluth Disc Golf Club...

You might want to check the specifics of non league play during the week.

I think it's important to keep in mind that sucker is private, and the wishes of the land owners should be respected.

That said...

Highbridge Hills is just south of Ashland, WI (Where Paul and I played our first rounds this weekend) and is a magnificent set of links...
http://www.highbridgehillssc.com is the website.

WELL worth the drive (no pun intended).

I don't understand any of this.

I think that Duluth needs a course. I have been in Michigan for the last 5 years and started Discin' about 2 years ago. I will be moving back in June and I will be traveling to Ashland, Giants Ridge and the TC to play on the weekends.

I hear there is a lot of people trying to get DG in Duluth and I would love to do what I can to help.

Spirit Mtn has a posting on their events calendar for a DG tourney in July, I am sure a strong turn out will help in bringing DG to Duluth in the future.

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