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Former Duluthian Makes the Olympics!


Mason Aguirre makes the Olympic Snowboard team. Read more here.

Way to go Mason.


Yeah, way to go Mason! But uh, what's that in her mouth?

his mouth.

Whoops. Well, what's that in his mouth then?

looks like either a giant pack of camels.... or.... a hard drive... wtf....

Damn, it really does look like a giant pack of Camels, the turkish blend variety. I guess I could run a google search on this sort of thing but, it's kind of fun not to know and make random gueses..If I were him I'd hope it to be a box of chocolate of some kind.

He's come a long way since he fell off the ski lift at Spirit Mountain when he was screwing around! Maybe it was then that he learnt to land when he falls!

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