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A Pirate's Booty...

What's Your Pirate Name?


Mad Harry Cash

My pirate name is: Dread Pirate Bonney Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr! Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.

Bloody Harry Bonney

"Every pirate lives for something different...For you, it's definitely the fighting."

Black Mary Rackem
Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times.

Woo! Dirty Bess Rackham! what a great name! I'm totally gonna be a pirate for easter!

Iron Roger Flint

"But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!"

hmmm...my pirate name is Iron Tom Flint...

Mine is Dirty Mary Cash.

Something you want to tell me, Starfire?

I shall be known from henceforth as Dirty Jack Bonney, may the very waves of the mighty sea tremble beneath my bow!

On a related note,for Xmas, my mother-in-law got my wife one of those flag-thingies that people hang in front of their houses with kittens or snowmen or tulips or other such rubbish on them.
We're going to hang a Jolly Roger in front of our house.

Argh! I'm "Black Morgan Cash"
Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. You're musical, and you've got a certain style if not flair. You'll do just fine. Arr!

I'm Mad Ethel Bonney:
"Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!"

calico davy read. i'm a lousy pirate, it seems. that thing was like filling out the FAFSA.

Iron Jack Clash. Fear this.

i be Iron Harry Cash. looks like me relatives be here, arrr.

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