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Dick Cheney = Aaron Burr?



Cheney shot Dan Quail? What?

Hahaha. Thank you for being another firearm accident statistic! hahahahahahaha

Not only did he shoot someone, he shot a *senior citizen*!
"Try and get your healthcare now sucker!"

Well, we know that Cheney authorized shooting down flight 93 on 9/11. I'm glad I'm not one of his friends. Seems dangerous.

This is what happens when you only give $2,000 for a 2004 re-election bid.

This is going to be fun.

anyone hunting with cheney deserves anything they get

Ya just don't see enough of these old school type slap downs from the guys on top.

I guess someone needed a reminder of who's at the helm of this ship. I'm just surprised that this has had any traction given the breaking news of the "foiled" LA skyscraper attack.

yeah...it's truly amazing how many terrorist plots our leaders have "foiled" over the last several years.
hey, do you think if that guy in the crow's nest of the TITANIC had survived, they would have let him keep his job?

That depends, was he any relation to Prescott Bush?

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