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Tom and Jerrys

Tom and Jerry.jpg

Though I am not much for drinking much other than beer, this time of year makes me crave Tom and Jerrys and this afternoons storm was the perfect opportunity to have the first of this season.

How do you like them? Store bought batter or homemade? Brandy, rum or both? Nutmeg, sprinkles, fruit or other garnish?


Rum and sprinkles... yum yum... homemade batter... yum...

I generally try have one once or twice in the holiday season.

In my experience, there are two kinds of Tom & Jerry:

1) The kind I make, which are awful.

2) The kind anyone else makes, which are delightful.

We use store bought Connolly's. Spiced rum and brandy with a lil grated nutmeg.

Connleys is the best. bought some last year at Cub and they alwasy seem to have some at the SuperOne in The Plaza. Use both run and brand for the true Northland effect. And if all fails there's always the Pickwick's which are delicious!

I like half rum, half brandy. large dollop of Tom and Jerry batter, boiling water to fill. Cinnamon on top, with "Happy Christmas" playing in the background.

War is over, if you want it.

The real question is: Do you refer to multiple drinks of this sort as "Tom and Jerries," "Tom and Jerrys," or "Toms and Jerry"?

(The wintertime version of Ironic1's post from last summer.)

From MSN Encarta:

Tom and Jer·ry (plural Tom and Jer·ries)

I think Barrett has had too many Tom and Jerries.

I like the rum & brandy. One does me in. But the big question is, do you stir or let it sit? Traditionally, you are not supposed to stir but instead drink through the thick gob of eggs. I stir.

I like mine served rocket style from an enema bag.

my old man would make two things for family holiday gatherings - chili (terrible - watery like soup) and tom & jerry's (delicious - and it was quite a honor to be there helping in the kitchen separating egg whites and folding in the rest so the old folks could get their holiday cheer on, and what a nice lesson for a 10-year-old - ah, memories). If somebody gives you the green light to have two kinds of alkee-hall at the same time, take it, and the actual traditional way to serve 'em is to give the drinker the mug of boiling water with a big dollop of that delicious batter on top and a spoon so the drinker can stir the tom & jerry his or herself

I second GFNC's recipe - cinnamon instead of nutmeg

And I would call them "Toms and Jerry." I think William Safire would agree:


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