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Peace Protest THIS Saturday!


Saturday, December 13 @ Noon
Assemble in front of the Duluth Whole Foods Coop [610 E. 4th St.] for a march past SMDC to the Central Hillside Community Center [Lake Ave. & 4th St.] for an indoor rally.

-Mujtaba Alwan, CSS Amnesty International
-Joan Najbar, Military Families Speak Out
-Bob Kosuth, Northland Anti-War Coalition
-Mike Rogge, Lake Superior Socialist Action
-Spokesperson from AFSCME on behalf of laid off city workers

Tomorrow is the big day! On Saturday, the Northland Anti-War Coalition will be holding a march and rally against the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The theme of the protest is “Human Needs, Not War!” – with a particular focus on the demand for “Healthcare, Not Warfare!”

This march and rally will cap off a week of action, that has included Duluth’s first ever student walkout against the war. We have organized these events as part of the national week of actions that was called by the National Assembly to End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars & Occupation. Despite the elections in November, neither the war in Iraq or Afghanistan are winding down – and the talk from the incoming administration is of even more military spending, and an escalation of the war in Afghanistan. Regardless of what candidates one voted for in November, it’s important to show that we are still opposed to war and occupation. It’s important to continue these physical manifestations of anti-war sentiments – to both keep this issue alive in our communities, and to put pressure on Washington. We hope that you’ll join us on Saturday. And bring a friend!

-Adam Ritscher
Northland Anti-War Coalition
P.O. Box 16853, Duluth MN 55816
(715) 394-6660

P.S. We urge folks who drive to the protest to either park in the street, or in the parking lot behind the Whole Foods Coop [their employee lot, which they’ve agreed to let us use] rather than their main, front parking lot. We’ll have some extra signs for folks to carry, but feel free to make and bring your own. For those who won’t be able to do the march, but want to attend the indoor rally, we’re expecting to arrive at the Central Hillside Community Center at around 12:45pm. If anyone in the Twin Ports needs a ride to the protest, you can call me at (715) 394-6660 – but call and leave a message before 10:30am on Saturday.


isn't this more of a peace promotion than a peace protest?

isn't anti-war a rather combative argumentative stance to take?

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