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more smiles (redux)


"The sponsors of Proposition 8 argued for the first time Friday that the court should undo the marriages of the estimated 18,000 same-sex couples who exchanged vows before voters banned gay marriage at the ballot box last month."

story here.

it's clear that these clowns simply aren't going to stop, are they? i'm wondering how they sleep at night.

never mind the blatant unconstitutionality of Prop 8 to begin with. the last time a constitutional amendment was used to take away the rights of individuals was prohibition, and that was repealed with yet another amendment a few short years later. the point being is that constitutional amendments cannot be used to discriminate against any single demographic of citizenry.

the article does mention that cali's attorney general has reconsidered his position on the amendment (which has yet to be ratified, correct) and is asking the cali supreme court to void the proposition.


It's interesting to note: if you replace "gay" or "same-sex" with "black" or "interracial," you throw up in your mouth a little.

well, it seems to me that the obvious recourse is a class-action lawsuit. i mean a big one, against every person who has conspired to remove the rights of those who briefly had them. it might take years, but i can't imagine how they'd contort their way out of getting slammed.

As a gay couple here in Minnesota, we can't imagine "undoing" a marriage.

Love is never wrong, and neither should these marriages be.

What's wrong with this picture? Are we the black men of the 1960's or what?

As a gay couple here in Minnesota, we can't imagine "undoing" a marriage.

Love is never wrong, and neither should these marriages be.

What's wrong with this picture? Are we the black men of the 1960's or what?

Gays should have the same right of a 50% divorce rate as anyone else!

proud douchebaggery at it's finest. they need a swift kick to the nads.

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