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Yay! Wanna go see!

Only one pet peeve... No one can "borrow" someone something. This is something that drives me crazy about northlanders! What is wrong with the word "loan?" It's a perfectly good word.

For example:

"Hey, Pocahuntress, can you loan me some ace bandages?"

"Sure, Crazy Stitch, you can borrow some."

How hard is that?

That said... Go Dames!

Wait, that can't be your pet peeve. That's my pet peeve. Don't know why it grates on me so much more than all the other localisms I've heard from various localities in my life, but it surely does.

Jimmy borrowed me his book so that the teacher could learn me how to read.

Yeah. 'Borrow me' sucks. It's a product of living in a place that sucks so badly that you even envy Alabamanites.

People around there also need to learn the difference between 'bring' and 'take'.

The term "northlanders" bothers me. I was born, raised and educated in Duluth and never use that term.

It is a term used by local media but not used by locals.

Alabamians not "Alabamanites" (sic).
Go Dames.

Obviously I'm not a native. But I do love it here and you natives and all your quaint ways and wacky lingo.

Go Dames.

You want a northland pet peeve. The word, or non-word, unthaw is mine, as in "I need to unthaw some chicken for dinner." If you unthaw something aren't you freezing it?

Not sure that I've ever heard anyone use the term "unthaw". Always heard the correct term, thaw or defrost. May have heard Dethaw, which would be wrong as well I guess. Who you thawing chicken with Sherm?

HAHAHAHA! My mom says "unthaw" all the time. I grew up saying it until I became interested in the mechanics of the English language. I realized how ridiculous the word is, but alas my crusade against it's usage has not been successful in my parents' home.

My pet peeve is people who say "drownd" instead of "drown". I was watching the news one night, and the anchorlady said "drownded" instead of "drowned". I just about threw the TV out the window.

didn't jesus cast the alabamanites out of the temple?

Disunthaw would also work, but is a bit superfluous.

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