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You have got to be kidding me.

I demand a recount.


Speaking of recounts...

All right, which one of you didn't vote :)

Everyone needs to do what I'm doing this morning: Blame my wife.

I didn't vote.

What the hell is wrong with people in Lakeside. Do they really think Lakeside will turn into some kind of hell hole if a liquor store is allowed to be there? Have some faith in your neighbors for goodness sakes!

it generally seems to me that rather than railing against the voters that it's more productive to think of what caused the voters to act as they did.

This is a change from a very intentional condition of incorporation (it doesn't matter when this was: we still hold our founding fathers on pedestals and there are ridiculous laws still on record). That's a lot of status quo to overcome. To overcome status quo you generally have to show how it's causing a problem that needs specific addressing and how your plan addresses that problem while accounting for as many fears as possible along the way. To maintain the status quo you just need to sit there until the other side has taken on their burden, then poke enough holes and fears into their plan that it no longer addresses the original issue.

or yell at the two people for being prudes...

My wife is definately not a prude. I swear she voted against this just to piss me off.

I will chime in because, I live in Lester Park and I got to vote on the issue.

I was on the fence and at the last minute I decided to vote no. I literally decided when I was putting my pen to the ballot.

What I think is interesting about the issue is, the lack of liquor seems to only really piss off people who do not live in Lakeside/Lester Park.

Was it bad for me to vote no? Consider this, a factor in my decision was just to piss off people who do not live here.

I would have to say that the experience on having an election that I actually voted in be decided by one vote has renewed my feeling on the importance of voting.

I think that the close vote suggests that several thousand people in Lakeside--about half of those who expressed an opinion on the subject--are at least a little bit pissed off about the situation.

About half? The number is quite close enough to being excactly half.
Had things been 70/30, one could make a case for the 30 to get over it and move on. 50/50 says something entirely different.

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