Voting in MN

Tuesday is election day.

MN law does not allow for people to wear campaign material at the polls. If doing so you will be asked to remove, or cover up the item/s before you are allowed to vote.

MN is expected to reach between 80% to 90% voter turnout and it may be higher in Duluth (2004 had about 77% Statewide).

You can register at the polls as long as you have lived in MN for at least 30 days, to do so you will need either:
A) Current state Driver's Lisc, or State ID
B) College ID/Tribal ID/Passport with your most current Utility Bill (within 30 days) that has your name/address on it (credit card bills are not utility bills, rent statement are not utility bills unless they have utilities itemized)
C) A college ID with a current on-campus housing statement.
D) A voter in your district who is already registered to vote may vouch for you.

There are some other documentations, but these are the most likely/common scenarios.

To find where you can vote in St. Louis Co. use this page

When voting, especially if you are doing so late in the day, keep in mind Election Judges are working a 13-16 hour day, and this year is shaping up to be a long busy day, for just above minimum wage. Be kind, be smart, go vote. It is going to make history no matter how it turns out.


Anyone that votes Obama is a sheep. An idiot...

Right, Burley?

Thanks for posting this information. VOTE, people!

I second cathyp (who was terrific last night in the Chick Plays, BTW). People have been beaten, imprisoned, and even killed just for trying to exercise their right to vote. Honor their memories by exercising your right to vote Tuesday. It's so damn easy to do and it matters so much.

You can also show how you feel about the Not Duluth News-Tribune's endorsement by canceling your subscription.

I' m taking a break between phone calling at Obama HQ and poll watcher training and have to relate a story; hopefully, this story will inspire any fence-sitters to vote. I asked a voter if he needed a ride to the polls. He replied, "no. we have to get those Republicans out of there. I'll crawl to my polling place if I have to." I love that kind of attitude.

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