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THIS could be YOU!

art table.jpg
OKAY, I admit it, business sucks. This is a friendly reminder for you and six of your closest, artsiest friends to come into BOHEMIA ARTS. Wha!? Wher?! It's that "new" art store in town, and it's offering 25% OFF ALL ART SUPPLIES to all PDD'ers, thru December.
22 N. 1st Ave. W.- that's downtown! It's up from Jitters, right next to St. Michael's Loved-a-Bit and Gopher Shoe Repair. We also have all kinds of rad stuff for non-artists! For REAL! GO LOCAL!!


Cool beans--when are you guys open?

We will definitely check it out and thanks for your contribution to the All Souls Night -the art was awesome as was the event

SHOOT! M-F 10-6, S 10-3, and by appointment (24/7!) 722.2919

I'm there - thanks!

I love your store! So cute and things for everyone! Thanks for posting!!

I got a very charming cup there with a mermaid waving at you from the bottom. and besides there's studio space and some art around, and in general the fungus or virus that causes art is rife there, very pleasant for those of us who ask nothing better than to breathe it in

In the last few years, Bohemia Arts and PeasantWorks have to be two of the coolest, most creative shops to open downtown - hope you can stick around for a long time.

Art saves lives.

How do we get the PDD'er discount? The wife and I will probably stop by in the next couple of weeks to pick up some Christmas presents.

Just say you saw it HERE. FYI: the discount applies to ART SUPPLIES only... which DO make great gifts!!!

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