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Beijing Delivery FTL

It's one thing to get a delivery order wrong the first time, but to get it wrong again...
So tonight we ordered from our favorite Chinese delivery place, Beijing, and, as usual, Simon wanted some veggie lo mein, so we ordered a quart. Since our order was over $20 we got a free pint of veggie fried rice, which Emma demonstrates.

But they sent us not only a pint of veggie fried rice, but a quart too. But no veggie lo mein. So we called and explained the mistake and they said they'd send a quart of veggie lo mein right away.

The delivery guy arrived in about 20 minutes and I greeted him at the door and said, "This must be the veggie lo mein," and he shrugged and said, "I guess." I brought it in and Emma said, "Wouldn't it be funny if this was more veggie fried rice?"

It was.

So, I called and explained again, through fits and giggles, and they said we have a credit with them for a free quart of veggie lo mein sometime, but they couldn't get one out to us right away.

It's all kind of ridiculous, but we're having a good laugh about it anyway.


We used to order from Beijing all the time. Then we switched to China Cafe. $0.02.

seconds on the China Cafe'.

mmm.... fried rice, spicy with peanuts and fried pot stickers.

Love the food although I haven't ordered delivery yet due to living close. I'm sure my fortune cookie would say "proximity of Beijing in your favor".

THAT is a lot of rice. i can imagine rice sandwiches, rice soup, rice stew for the next week or two. Yum!

Chef Ye's moved. :(

Fried rice omelets are delicious.

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