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Lunch for a 4-year-old


Several months ago, in between appointments, I had to get the kids lunch in West Duluth. As the Golden Arches drew nearer, I realized I just couldn't take McDonald's food that day. I decided to try Beaner's, though I was skeptical that would go very well. It can be hard to order food for children in a coffee house that features sandwiches with ingredients such as hot peppers and dried cranberries. It can be expensive when most things on the menu cost $7 or so.
But things worked out great, and we've been back a few more times. They'll make us a plain old grilled cheese, and there's even a bunch of bananas on the counter for 75 cents each. Two sandwich orders is enough to feed me and my three kids. I get one with a side of carrots, one with a side of chips, and we share. And my coffee has always been excellent.
Thank you, Beaner's people!


you probably got far less high fructose corn syrup at Beaner's than you would have if you'd gone to the arches, too.

jason does a great job, and has been working hard to be an anchor in that community for a while.

across the avenue is the Italian Village. Best cannolis this side of NYC.

Great photo, Beverly!

And it was good to see you all at Beaner's the other day. Thanks for adjudicating our Scrabble game.

my 10 yr old is one of the pickiest eaters on the planet. we've rarely had a problem asking at cafes and restaurants around duluth for food she'll eat (plain pasta, grilled cheese, etc. the only places we couldn't get food she'd eat was a fancy pants restaurant in Cape May, NJ that her grandparents the gourmands insisted on taking us to.

And the good people of the American Family Association thank you.

Claire neglected to mention that her 10 year old has been immortalized in the Chester Creek Cafe menu. Look for "Rachel's Pasta."

Ah yes, Rachel was the children's menu consultant for Barb & Carla (longtime friends of mine going way back) when they first opened Chester Creek Cafe and indeed is the inspiration behind the legendary "Rachel's Pasta." Seriously, Duluth is one of the most accommodating places in America when it comes to kids's appetites when eating out. You don't have to hit Mickey Ds around here -- that clown scares the shit out of me anyway.

Beaner's is one of the top 10 greatest places in Duluth. And there's obviously a lot of them.

Beaners on central is a great example of a progressive local business.
Jason the owner sells fair trade and/or organic coffee and cuisine but is does not end there. About 70 percent of their purveyors are also local including Alakef Coffee Roasters and Third Street Bakery. Beaner's is also involved in several local non-profit groups including Mentor Duluth and Childbirth Collective-Northland Chapter.

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