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Your Geek Culture Update - House Decorating

geekkingSOP.jpgSorry this edition of Your Geek Culture Update is so late but your Geek King has been moving this week which got me thinking about home decor for geeks.

trek_apt.jpgLet's start with the extreme. Tony Alleyne of Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK transformed his apartment into a set from Star Trek:Voyager... even the bathroom! Not my favorite series of the franchise, but still impressive.

solo_desk.jpgToo much for you? How about this spiffy Han Solo in Carbonite desk by Tom Spina!?

So, have you undergone any geek home makeovers? Know of any geeky houses or apartments in the area? Do share!

As always, please feel free to send me nominees for the Geek King Seal of Approval. This concludes this royal announcement.


I love the apartment. very cool.

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