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Seems like only yesterday


Assessing incline crash damage, c. 1901-05

Thanks to Pat Maus at the Northeast Minnesota Historical Center for scanning a ton of images and adding them to the Minnesota Digital Library collections. There are lots and lots of cool old photos like this and this.

Find the site here: http://reflections.mndigital.org/
The most recently added photos are linked by the phrase "Neigborhoods of Duluth." Or, do an advanced search and limit the collection to Northeast Minnesota Historical Center.


Where were YOU when the Incline crashed?

Cool stuff! I know how I'm going to waste my afternoon now...

Thanks for sharing this, that is wicked cool.


That was supposed to be 4 stars. Preview? What preview.

Ummm ... I never knew that the incline railway crashed. BUT I would still prefer that it still be here to the ugly noisy Mesaba avenue. I bet there are far more killed or hurt in car accidents than were ever hurt on this or any other rail accident.

And its not just that. When they built Mesaba they ripped apart Cascade Park and is is just ghastly in terms person to person neighborhood and community connections.

This sort of thing happened all across the nation in the mid to late 20th century. We ripped up great public transportation infrastructure and now we are kind of stuck with roads until we go back and undo what we undid. It's sad to see how badly the generations in between botched our journey to the future.

I just watched the movie "Who Killed The Electric Car?" I didn't think it would be any good but I was wrong ... totally chilling.

Thanks for posting the pics.

Desmond's Bathing Beach?

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