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the name game...

doesn't someone 'round here have a daughter named hazel? i have a hazel hankie for her that i found at an estate sale. i have a number of monogrammed things, (belts, shirts, and such) but none of them have MY name on them. the ironic-ish fun of wearing things with others names on them has worn thin for me. i think we need a swap spot...

maybe the only real beneficiaries of a swap would be guys named bill or tom who need button-up work shirts, but i think it's worth a ponder. thoughts?



You're probably the perfect person to ask. Where are the good thrift stores in Duluth?


tamara and zra's daughter is the Hazel one... and she's a sweetie well deserving of a monikered hanky!

have 'em write me at [email protected] and i'll arange to get it to them...

Hooray for Hazel, she put me down, hooray for Hazel, she made me a clown...

I wonder who's old enough to remember that Tommy Roe song!

yuppa...that'd be our little tyke.

I love that name. I came THIS close to naming my second daughter Hazel.

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