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if you don't like this movie there's really something wrong with you


Is this "Death Bed: The Bed that Eats (People)"?! LOL

life before medication..i remember it well.

John Waters never ceases to amaze me. My favorite scene though is: http://youtube.com/watch?v=xUZOexiCFmE
Warning: lots of dirty words, not safe for work listening. No matter how many times I've seen it everytime i hear her get to the part "listen to your filthy mouth...." I bust out laughing.

I watched Pink Flamingos when I was seventeen. It scarred me for at least three months.

And the point is ...?

Pink Flamingos was directed by John Waters, and so was the clip shown here. I'm participating in a conversation about John Waters. The point is that some of his movies freak me out, especially the early ones, like Pink Flamingos and Mondo Trasho, that starred Divine. Some of Waters's later movies, such as Crybaby and Pecker, I thought were weak. Serial Mom was pretty funny, in large part because it starred Kathleen Turner, but it didn't approach the level of bad taste Waters is capable of. Hairspray, which is probably his most mainstream film, is offbeat, funny, and almost family-oriented.

Speaking of Mondo Trasho, I found an interview with Waters on the web where he said, "Back then I didn't know you had to have location scouts. In the film's last scene, when Divine is in a pigsty, dying in pig shit, I never asked the farmer if we could shoot there. I don't even know if anyone was home. We just pulled over, jumped out, shot the scene, and ran."


It's Polyester folks ..

Ummmm... for us non-John Waters fans I'll humbly ask for the title of this movie and sulk back under the freeway with the rest of the trolls.

the original post video is the movie Desperate Living from 1977. The one I posted is Serial Mom, a later John Waters film. and that last one with Lulu is from the movie Polyester. There are no non-John Waters fans. Just folks who don't REALIZE they're already John Waters fans.

I like John Waters, but that was really lame.

hence the title of my post ^.

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