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No joke! Here's the message from Slug on www.rhymesayers.com/atmosphere:

as a way to thank all of our supporters, ant and i have put together this party favor.

it's called "strictly leakage." thirteen songs to chase away the winter doldrums.
free and downloadable at this link : Right Click and Save as...

it's great for first dates, crappy houseparties, or to play in the backround while you google yourself again.

is downloadable a word?
what's a doldrum?

nonetheless, thank you for the love, and please have a happy safe holiday.

oh yeah, i almost forgot,
"sad clown bad winter 11" is available now, and a new album from atmosphere, "when life gives you lemons, you paint that shit gold" will be available on april 22 2008.


Doldrum: A part of the ocean near the equator, abounding in calms, squalls, and light, baffling winds, which sometimes prevent all progress for weeks; so called by sailors.

gotta love Colleridge.

60MB file, btw.

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