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Welcome to episode 1 of the journey that is DANNY DOES DULUTH! This episode was recorded a couple of weeks ago, so it may sound a bit dated. Please forgive that (and the general sloppiness--it is a podcast after all). Also, as an added treat Episode 2 will likely be posted later in the day!

On this episode:

-Danny's Opening Salvo: "Why I'm Doing This Fake Radio Show"

-Danny introduces his fake co-host, Ashley

-Northland Newscenter: Safety when you ski

-Northland Newscenter: The zoo's looking for paw-outs

-WDIO: The Case of the Missing Diamond

-Exclusive interview with Mayor-For-Life Herb Bergson

-Ashley plays clips from Lew Latto Live

-Closing remarks



What are some of the other locally produced podcasts out there? The only other one I know of is Grizzly's Growls but there certainly must be more.


No one ever said that freedom of speech comes cheap.

This makes my head hurt. I know it's the first shot... but come on... Seriously?

Is that Jim Henson playing the role of Ashley? And here I thought he was dead. I like that they couldn't actually get a girl to play the role of the girl co-host. They probably have never talked to a girl.

Bubba...who are the "they" that you are referring to. I think it's pretty obvious that the show consists of one person.

What, someone else does a podcast in Duluth? I gotta listen to this. I need something to provide comfort in my low moments. Show biz is my life, but nobody said it was a painless life. Oh, the angst! ;-)

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