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Cougar Cougar Burning Bright...

Wow...remember this discussion? Now read this!


So I guess if it's a wild cougar, then there must be a lot more of them out there.

I sent this to my Dad and Step Mom who live out on Lake Minnesung by Lake Nebagamon because we always joke about what will try to eat my dog when we're there.
Mary replied "I had one of those run in front of me on Highway53 just past the Covered Wagon about 2 years ago.
We are also having some bear problems. We haven't seen him but he comes at night and sometimes
during the day and rips down the bird feeders. I have also seen many bear droppings in the yard.
We need to keep an eye on Lilo and keep her close to the house! "

Oh, there are a lot more out there.

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