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PDD in the DNT, once more

Once again, we've managed to weasel our way into the local paper of record.

"New local Web sites compile useful information for people on the go"

We get a mention at the end, even though the article is in the business section and we aren't even trying to make money. Plus we're not new, but rather we're the "granddaddy" of local websites, as the article states. My only big regret was that I forgot to work the aggregator into the interview. Doh!

Anyway, good job everybody. Keep posting and making PDD great.

Other sites mentioned in the article


Thanks for the link, B.

Thanks for the link, B.

Thanks for the link! I enjoy your website and will continue to read. Thanks again!

Thanks for the link! I enjoy your website and will continue to read. Thanks again!

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