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As if the I-35 bridge collapse wasn't a bad enough tragedy, Shirley Roper-Phelps and her father-in-law's hatemongering crew from Westboro Baptist Church are going to grace the funeral of one of the victims of the tragedy to spread more of their hate.

(watch out...PDF alert! the link is to the pdf of their protest flier.)


Wouldn't it be just spiffy if a bus full of those assholes went over some bridge and THAT one collapsed??

That is hilarious!!!

That makes me sick, alright.

I know who God hates, and I'm reeeeeeally sure it ain't the fags..

I read this last night before going to bed and I had dreams of assaulting the Phelps' protest with baseball bats and paintball guns.

There are very few people upon whom I wish horrible things... the Phelps are the majority of those people.

Who are these a-holes?

It's a good thing that I didn't see this earlier or I would have been down there with my baseball bat.

Who's up for a road trip to Topeka. I'll bring the marshmellows if you bring the gasoline!

remember that these guys are fond of putting out press releases that they'll be attending many funerals, but often don't bother to show up. so much hate, so little time, doncha know.

and they want a confrontation, Tomasz. that's the whole point.

i know hbh but sometimes it's just too much. so, i got a chainsaw......and this smelly mask....and a stained apron.....

hbh: they may want a verbal confrontation, but maybe not a physical one... especially when it may involve baseball bats, trips to the hospital or maybe death.

If anything, I'd think the Phelps' would love to die. They'll get to spend the rest of eternity in a heaven where those pesky gays (and gay mongers) aren't there to bother them.

I am as right wing as anyone can possibly get, but this phelps group has pissed me off since the beginning. Is it just me, or are these people considered a "right wing" group by others because they are using religion as their backbone.

Tomasz, gasoline is too expensive! Will some used motor oil do? (I have a few jugs of that on hand...)

The Phelps are also well known to be inbred down the line, I looked up their dumbasses on the net awhile back. Maybe its true, mayber not, but I prefer to believe it.

St. G -- Motor Oil?!? Used, to boot! I guess... but then we can't do marshmellows. Brats, maybe, but there is no way that marshmellows go with an oil fire.

Rick, it's intolerance which places them firmly in the right wing.

baci. It is intolerance which places them firmly in the radical right wing. I know plenty of right wingers who are good people and would never promote crap like these a-holes.

That's so fucking sick...

i'll kill em. i've got nothing to lose. but i gotta work.

every "wing" has its fringe...the left has its Earth First and the ALF...the right has these jackholes...

the difference between the two fringes is that one claims to promote life while causing destruction to property and the other celebrates death as being an act of a vengeful god.

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