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RE: The New White PDD

I dig it, baby!


Yeah, I've been watching pdd transform before my eyes this evening. Nice new look you've got developing here.

All the blackness, skulls, stonehenge...

It was all looking so bleak and unfriendly. I just couldn't stand it.

No solid game plan here. Just playing around.

Hmm... Barrett... your blog is all new happy colors, too... hmm... could it be a new Barrett?

Nope. Just establishing a false sense of security.

Seismic, man

sweet as sugar and twice as bad for your teeth.


fun with style sheets .. do some crazy dhtml with layers .

A recent article on Slashdot suggests that maybe black backgrounds are better?

"Recent commentary at Nature Climate Change describes an on-going debate about the energy savings associated with the background colors used by high-traffic websites such as Google and the NYTimes. A back of the envelope calculation has suggested energy savings of 750 Megawatt hours per year if Google switched their background from white to black. In response, a new version of Google called Blackle was created. However, other calculations by the Wall Street Journal suggest minimal energy savings."

WSJ is pwnd by FOX.

Honestly, I kinda liked the dark red/black site. The white looks a bit to stark.

Different. Fresh. Sterile. I prefer the dark.

White kind of makes it look like everything else I'm forced to look at online. I prefer the dark.

FORCED to look at?

Who's forcing you to be online?

The Internet.

Goddamn Internet and It's inexhaustible choice of colors.

according to scholars the background color of the universe is #fff8e7.

I prefer #250eae

I like the white.

I like Pantone 180

Process or solid? Solid looks like greasy dog poo.

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