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All Hail the Lord of Catan!

Time for some shameless self-promotion. After about four years, off and on, of competitive playing I managed to snag the top rank on the on-line version of Settlers of Catan. And, yes, I do have wood for sheep. Hooya!


I'm pretty good at Asteroids.


Next time I'm in Duluth, I would be up for a game. Not online of course.

If there is one thing that could break up my relationship, it is settlers of catan. my boyfriend can be quite the greedy ass when he knows i want to trade something.

Interestingly, most commonly played on-line variants are "no trade" (NT) where you play what you have. Occassionally you'll see the 2/12 variant where if you roll a 2 or a 12 you can trade 1 of your resources for all of an opponent's resources. That will change the complexion of a game quickly.

Most people don't like to play trading variants because it tends to really slow down the game. Also the whining, bullying, and bartering isn't as fun when it's through a chat box.

No trade = no whining.

I also like Catan. I'm making my own customized version here: http://hexes-of-kaahtan.blogspot.com

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