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About a month left of summer

swimming in the big lake - check
GGW - check
40 hours community service - 40% complete
email chess with Nathan - checkmate
Duluth Huskies game - incomplete (last regular season home game is Sunday eve. Aug. 12th!)
Blue Oyster Cult party - check
Son Volt at the Minnesota Zoo - check
Wilco - pending
camping somewhere - delay until fall
2nd and only bicycle pub crawl - tba


I'm getting my Voyageur on over the Oct 8-12th...BWCAW baby...I hope it's not as treacherous as last time.

The Fam Damily has been camping a couple of times this season...Haze has taken to it quite well.

Mom's flying up from Texas to see her granddaughter at the end of the month...perfect time to make our monthly pilgrimage to Grand Marais...

We went to great grandpa Brand's down near Bruce, WI a couple of weekends ago...Haze and her cousin Paige played in the lake the whole time.

I think the bluegrass festival will have to wait for another year...or two...if we keep making babies like this, it'll be a miracle if we ever see the other side of Thompson Hill again.

This fall, we're making treks to the Children's Museum down in St Paul...

I think we're doing okay on our checklist.

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