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Scooter scooted out

Not at all surprising. Not even a little bit. I just thought it interesting that the decision is supported by conservatives who are against immigration initiatives on the basis that they would ammount to amnesty.


Scooter, you're doing a heckuva job.


once again, bush proves he and his boys are above the law.

what an asshole.

Some may argue that this is a reversal of an administration that has long argued that the courts should stick to sentancing and stay out out making laws...

But I think this is the fulfillment of a constitutional right:

Life (Wealthy, with political connections), Liberty (See Life), and the pursuit of Happiness (Minus $200K, see Life).

Now I feel free to lie to any court in the land.

And I will.

true...a good lawyer could use this as precedent.

still, the justice system has suffered yet another sickening blow. it's not like Scooter would have wound up getting gang raped in some shower in Sing Sing...after all, he'd be in Rich Man's Prison...with conjugal visits and prepared food from a gourmet menu. Hell, aside from having to wear the uniform, it'd be just like he was on vacation.

Remember Ken Lay? They let him go on vacation before he had to report to prison. Then the lucky bastard had himself a heart attack and died.

Had it been any one of us, we'd be railroaded into the orange suit and tossed into the general population...there is a huge disparity of justice between the rich and the poor.

At least Paris Hilton did her time. JUSTICE FOR ALL!!!

Via el, Worst President Ever!!

Last night Mark Mallory said Scooty Libber.
tee hee. that makes me laugh. Everything else about it pisses me off.
I guess I'm glad to be a white guy. Wish I was rich and well-connected though.

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