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How to get Google TV

Thanks to Barrett for finding this. For other amazing tips visit Infinite Solutions.


I love the audacity of this guy.

Naaa. No way! Come on! Really?!

I've seen a billion internet hoaxes, and so far I'd have to say I believe (or at least am not yet convinced it's a hoax).
1-This isn't some random guy on the internet, he has a site with a history of being useful.
2-Google has a history of releasing beta versions of their products in interesting ways to cut down on everyone going there at once.
3-From what I've seen in the video, the GUI is consistent with google GUI and didn't appear to have any obvious fakery. If he really wanted to impress us, he would have said all networks were available, not just three.

So, until someone says it's a hoax, I'm going to tend to believe it (but I'm going to stop logging in and out of gmail - bah!)

Um, hate to say this BadCat, but TOTAL PRANK! Look at the other stuff he's done, like this.

Sorry. I had a sarcasm spaz attack.

Hmmm, yep - I've been p0wn3d!

Gotta hurt.

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