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Freedom Festival


Wholesome family fun on Park Point today.


Holy crap. Freedom Fest rocked. What a great day. Went swimmin at the beach then watched Parr, Get Up Johns, Low, and Trampled and had a BLAST. I hope this happens again next year, and I hope next time we don't cause E-Coli.

Yup it was the coolest hot time that could be spent in Duluth.I was very glad the reopened the public restroom-biffys are ok but one can not refill ones waterbottle at them.I made a modest donation and told Bob i would be glad to volunteer next year-figuering that was best way to keep local events going

Wow! What a great festival! Both my husband and I felt even more in tune with the Duluth scene,and the fact that it was summer fun time after this festival. Many thanks to the organizers! And to all the good music makers.

Was a great time, but what happened at 10? I wasn't done partying yet and it seems painfully ironic for a freedom festival to get prematurely shut down by the man.

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