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DTA - Googlefied

transit_labs_hp_logo.gifDuluth is one of the 12 US cities on the new Google transit, complete with timetables and maps. Could be fun to try.

My pal Fuzzy in Chicago sent this to me specifically for posting on perfectduluthday. See? We're famous. Personally, I think he's just envious because Chicago is not one of the 12 cities.


You are 100% correct.

Oops! Missed that.

It is funny that the list of American cities don't include the huge cities. Got some decent sized places, but no New York, no Chicago, no Los Angeles. Not complaining, but how did the DTA beat out the Twinkies for example.

Google requested city participation for the beta project. Someone in the DTA said "what the heck" and submitted Duluth. Now tiny 'ol Duluth is matching services with major cities.
That, my folks, is why we rock.

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