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2 Bookish Items, Several Tidbits and News of which to be aware

Item One:
For those of you not aware, Harry Potter 7 is due out very soon to the joy of many fans and the hesitancy of many booksellers. Sell at a loss to compete with the big people? Not carry the title and disappoint loyal customers? Even B&N and Borders are hesitant. Locally owned stores face even greater challenges in terms of clout with publishers, advertising, ability to discount, and places to store the tomes in question. Northern Lights Books is throwing a party as a way to establish community and reclaim the joy that should accompany as huge a publishing success as Harry Potter should be to those who love books.
In times that media seems so proud to tote the democracy in our purchasing power, it is disappointing that this has not caught more attention. I'm not calling for a Harry Potter Czar to control prices, but for people who think that they are making statements through their purchases to look above the bottom line in this circumstance in the same way they do with their organic tomatoes.

Item Two:
McSweeney's Press is having a big sale. Normally cause for celebration, this is even more significant because this sale and auction to help recoup losses from when their distributer went bankrupt (full story). McSweeney's is a fantastic press dedicated to intelligent and witty literature. They also publish The Believer Magazine, which covers many aspects of a culturally curious life, and runs the 826 program an initiative that pairs young writers with experienced teachers and writers to promote reading, writing, creativity and expression (and Valencia also has a tre-cool pirate supply store for extra funding and rewards). So, check it out. Whether it be a baby book, t-shirt, stationary, magazine subscription or grammar guide, you're likely to find something that you'll enjoy today and down the road. And it'll help out a very worthy publisher.

Apathy and Other Small Victories is coming out in paperback soon. Look for a review, also soon, on Slicer Review.
Junot Diaz is coming out with a novel that is very entertaining.
Sweet Land the movie is coming out soon on dvd.
Icelander is now out in paperback.
The Tent is now in paperback.
North of the Cities is still excellent.


thanks for posting the mcsweeney's stuff - they are great.
as a bookseller, i have worked every single harry potter party since it started. except for the last one, i needed a break. the fact is, book stores have made enough money off harry potter. many young readers now visit bookstores just because of harry potter. so, all this complaining is easily ignored. i hope all the readers who love harry potter will now find other books as worthy of their time that are as good, or better than harry potter.

I'm glad we agree on the awesominicity of McSweeney's... their lists bring me joy nearly every week.

Does "all this complaining" refer to my one post in which I was identifying an issue and asking people to consider it, or to the handful of scattered articles in popular media?
Thankfully the big players are doing all they can to ensure that only a scant few will make any money selling the saga of the young wizard. After all, enough is enough I suppose.

"all this complaining" is about the handful of scattered articles in popular media about bookstores stating the new harry potter is going to be a loss leader. they have made enough money out of potter anyhoo.

it's worth noting that mcsweeney's is going through some mild financial troubles, and could use your extra dollars... go buy stuff at mcsweeneys.net & make eli happy.

duh. i need to quit being such a post-skimmer & perhaps i won't look like such an idiot next time.

Cheapskates like me have been waiting for McSweeney's to hit a bump. I spent a bunch of money there yesterday. I can't wait to get my supercool t-shirt.

Yes! "Apathy and Other Small Victories" is side-splittingly funny. I don't remember the last time I laughed aloud reading a book.

Thanks for introducing me to McSweeney's,but I'm actually more thankful for the info about Northern Light's book release party. Their party at the Depot for the last Harry Potter Book was featured in Entertainment Weekly, so that publicity probably brought more people into the store. Anyway, I better snap up tickets for the event before it sells out.

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