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Rain Gardens Make Me Wet - by Frida Storm

raingarden 001.jpg

Psst, Hey I have a confession to make! But don’t tell anyone, k? Rain gardens make me wet.

I just love the way parking lot runoff slides from the pavement into the catchment, flows through the tunnel, and then slowly penetrates the soil, caressing its way past each particle. I could totally just watch that for hours!

And I adore how young fresh plants force their succulent shoots into the ground, their bulbous rhizomes engorged with tasty nutrients. Whew, I’m starting to get flushed just thinking about it!

Once, during a super hard driving rainfall one evening last summer - bolts of lightning zig-zagging across the sky and thunder crashing over my head - I stripped down and swam naked in the rain garden. I became covered from head to toe in a thin film of hydraulic oil and other petroleum lubricants. I have to say that got me global-warmingly hot!

So yeah, rain gardens get me wet, ok? But make sure not to tell anyone, I don’t want to get a bad rep around town.

Love, Frida

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