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Kurt Vonnegut

November 11 , 1922 – April 11 , 2007


so it goes.

kurtie...we hardly knew ye.


Septic Memories of Vonnegut - my own reflections on Kurt Vonnegut and working as a septic inspector.

I'll be crying for him because his last name has Von at the start

does this fucking asshole have to fuck up everything on this board?

i wonder if there's some ice-nine around that i can dump on this guy's head.

RIP KV, jr.

one of the best literary minds America has ever produced. and you go for a petty, non-sequitur "joke"? I'm not saying that death is sacred or that a blog is a place that needs classiness, but at least come up with something that would denote 1/1000th of Kurt's wit.
nice write up ironic.

the "nice write up ironic" was of course sincere and not related to the rebuke of the previous paragraph.

Thanks, and I took it as sincere. No worries.

If this isn't nice, what is?

crap, another one gone.

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