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Only in Wisconsin !!

[I'll leave the rest up to you]


Yippee-Kay-AYeee, Giant-sized buck-cockin' good times Cow Patty!!!

Yeah, I get it. This is the same thing the Homosexuals at J.T.'s do every Thursday night, only with gerbils and other small rodents. Is there really a difference? I mean really? Death to all queers, liberals, conservatives, "progressives", punks, greenies, whatever you go by. You're all filth, and you someday soon you're going to gotten rid of.

Anyone want to start a pool on how long it'll take for JJohnson's freeze-dried pea of a brain to complete its implosion?

is this is the same place that has the big orange moose and the mouse sitting on a wedge of cheese?

JJohnson said: "...and you someday soon you're going to gotten rid of."

Learn to speak English before you cross the boarder, pal.

ANYWAY...This pic has to make it to FARK somehow...I have a mission!

JJohnson, your continued malicious commenting will only serve to bring about the end of annon. comments...which can be fun if done with obvious tounge in cheek. Use your with not your potty mouth

I know this JJohnson. He is the only guy that I ever fired for being an asshole. The deer is lots-o-laffy!

skud ... hee hee hee hee sniker hee ...

boywonder ... this would have been a great caption-this contest

Old PDD ... I miss you .. this new chatter gives me anxiety and I get enough of that at work

Yea all you pinko commie America hating leftist whiny blue state dread sack wearin smelly hippy freaks are going to dead!

All your pinko commie America hating leftist whiny blue state dread sack wearin smelly hippy freaks are belong to us.

Move zig.

Wow, I never knew there were so many pussies on PDD.


BTW, FARK rejected the photo for their "photoshop" topic. Lame.

Thanks Zac Bentz. For both the comment and the attempt at FARK. I had never heard of FARK [signed up today]until the above soap opera transpired . . see! You can make lemonade from lemons.

Communists like red, not blue. I should know.

So where exactly is this statue located? Is it really that big, or is the man not to scale?

I think it's at the Mauston exit on Highway 94/90 heading south toward Chicago. Enealio is right, the orange moose (which is not scaled properly, it appears smaller than the deer figure) and the ubiquitous Wisconsin mouse crouching over a hung of fiberglass cheese is of course, scaled enormously large.

We've traveled that route about 10,000 times to my family's home in northern IL - and I'm always commenting: "There's the big rooster!" "There's the cow!" "There's the apple with a bite out of it!" "There's the sign that looks like a semi truck!" until the kids are driven berserk.

The trifecta is the Mauston exit, where the photo is from.

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