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Homegrown 2007

First night of Homegrown. It was nice to see so many people out. Here is a photo of Southwire. So what is the flickr tag going to be Barrett?


C'mon -- someone needs to review the Fred Tyson show. That's one of the few things I'm actually sad I'm missing [before I get to Duluth on Thursday].

Is KUWS webcasting the Tuesday thing? I can't tell from what their site says ...

my two cents, flickr tag = "Homegrown music festival 2007"
At least that's what I'll tag mine as until something different is established.

That's fine. It doesn't matter as long as everyone tags the same way, so we can have an awesome slideshow.


For some reason the tags aren't working! Ugh!

For what it's worth, here's my Homegrown photoset.

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