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Duluth gets kicked in the teeth


Low was mentioned in Rolling Stone this week. They have a little section devoted to the top 15 college albums, and Low is at #8. Unfourtunately the extended entry leaves a little to be desired. "The eighth disc from Minneapolis' Low is something of a remix record........"
What's up with that? Minneapolis? Is this an honest mistake or did they just figure that nobody would know what the hell they were talking about if they said Duluth?


oh, sure...just because Prince (or whatever he's calling himself now) is from Minneapolis, Sold Out Asylum is from around there, and then there's the Jayhawks...they AUTOmatically assume Low has to be from Minneapolis, too.


Doesn't surprise me in the least. Responsible journalism. An oxymoron.

I read that blurb last night and the Minneapolis part went right over my head. Yeah, guess Duluth just doesn't sound cool enough. On the plus side, Duluth was name-checked on the Soup this week.

Actually I blame Minneapolis. I live down here now and everything I read about Low down here makes it sound like they are a Minneapolis band. Apparently the Cities doesn't have enough, so they are annexing everything Duluth too.

I saw that thing on "The Soup" too ... does anyone know if one of the show's writers is from 'round here?

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