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Umbrella skate sailing with dog


Cooool. The dog must be lovin' it.

Just a regular umbrella and skates, huh?

Yep. Last night I dreamed the ice broke up; I think I'll be staying off from now on.

It was reported that the ice is expected to break up around the wreck recently found in the bay, so be careful everyone.
Curious....has anyone conquered their fears on the big lake's ice?
I am one of those people who drive by everyday and feel the need to rescue all the skaters and people fishing. I am in awe of the fearlessness I am witnessing!
Be careful - Don't make me go superhero!
BTW - great video vicarious!

I'm very freaking sad. I was all ready to drive up this weekend and experience this and now it looks like the weather's going to swoop in at the last second and ruin my chance. *Sniff*.

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